Kids' Set Of Inline Skate Protectors Play - OXELO

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Kids' Set Of Inline Skate Protectors PlayIMPACT PROTECTIONThe plastic shells and foam pads protect your child.ADJUSTABLEElasticated rip-tabs making it easy to adjust the size.USER COMFORTStretchy Lycra fabric for a snug fit.ANATOMIC DESIGNThe stretch fabric means that the knee and elbow pads fit well.GenderKIDSSports PractiseSCOOTERINLINE SKATINGSKATEBOARDTIGHTENING TYPERip-tabRip-tabLEVEL OF PRACTICEBEGINNERINTERMEDIATEINTENSITYMID INTENSITYHow to wear the wrist guardsWear the wrist protector with the plastic shell over the palm of your hand. There are right (R) and left (L) markers on each wrist guard. So skating will help your child learn their left and right!Which protection size should you choose?Kids all grow at their own pace. This is why our size guide is based on your child's age and weight: | XXS |