Ma gin-Test ชุดตรวจสอบการตั้งครรภ์ ชนิดหยด hCG One Step Pregnancy Test (Cassette) (Urine) ให้ผลถูกต้อง 99.99% x 2 ชุด

INTENDED USEhCG One Step Pregnancy Test (Cassette) (Urine) is an immunochromatographic assay designed for the rapid determination of human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) in urine. The test is used to obtain a visual qualitative result It is for professional and self-testing in vitro diagnostic use only.PRINCIPLEHumam chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone, produced by the developing placenta shortly after the conception and secreted into the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone.MATERIALS SUPPLIED 1.Test Cassette 2.Pipette Dropper 3.Desiccant 4.Package Insert.SPECIMEN COLLECTION Any urine specimen is appropriate for pregnancy testing but the first morning urine specimen is optimal because of its highest concentration of hCG.TEST PROCEDURE1.Remove a Testing Device from the foil pouch by tearing at the notch and place it on a level surface2.Holding a Sample Dropper vertically, add exactly 2-3 drop of urine specimen to the sample marked S.3. Read resule in 3-5 minutes. Do not read results after more than 5 minutes.QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS1.Q: | How soon after I suspect that I am prenant can I take the test?A |