Panikattacken und andere Angststörungen Loswerden!: Wie die Hirnforschung hilft, Angst und Panik für immer zu besiegen (German)
คุณสมบัติเด่น / รายละเอียดสินค้า:
In Germany, more than 12 million people currently suffer from a diagnosed anxiety disorder. More than 2 million of them are plagued by recurrent panic attacks. The fear expert Klaus Bernhardt has been putting the current forms of therapy against anxiety to the test for years and compares them with the findings of modern brain research. Its result is sobering: | most of these forms of therapy have been outdated for decades and are no longer sustainable in neuroscience. In this book, he introduces a completely new type of anxiety therapy that specifically uses the neural processing processes of the human brain to quickly return anxiety and panic patients to a normal life. You too can benefit from the exercises and techniques that are still largely unknown in Germany, with which many of his patients have already managed to escape the cycle of fear permanently within a few weeks. |