จ่ายปลายทางได้ Bio Island DHA Pregnancy สำหรับตั้งครรภ์ 60 แคปซูล อาหารเสริมสำหรับผู้ตั้งครรภ์และผู้ให้นม
-3 fatty acid. Bio Island DHA for Pregnancy contains a concentrated DHA dose. DHA is essential for growth and development of the brain during foetal, neonatal and infant stages. Maternal DHA intake also provides the dual benefits of supporting healthy eye function, nervous system and cognitive function for both mother and child, and can be used during all pregnancy stages, including women trying to conceive or while breastfeeding. Taken daily Bio Island DHA for pregnancy can also help maintain positive wellbeing. Warnings Keep out of reach of children. Directions Women trying to conceive and pregnant women between 0
- 10 weeks in their pregnancy take 1 capsule daily. Pregnant women between 10
- 36 weeks and breastfeeding mothers take 2
-3 cpaules daily or as directed by your health care professional.